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Patrons looking through shelves of books to checkout

Library Cards

How to get help with...

New Residential Card

Adult and Juvnile

Two pieces of mail, no older than 60 days, are required for residency.

One photo ID is also required. 

Call the front desk to arrange curbside library card arrangements.


Library cards are valid for three years. After three years, bring your card to the library for renewal. Cards are required for in-person services.

New Non-Residents Cards

Household cards

Non-resident cards fee is $55 per year using the state formula.

Non-resident fees cover the cost of all the cards in the single household.


Two pieces of mail, no older than 60 days, are required for residency.

One photo ID is also required. 

Call the front desk to arrange curbside library card arrangements.


Library cards are valid for one year. After one year, bring your card to the library for renewal. Cards are required for in-person services.

Library Card Renewals

Resident and Non-Residanet

Two pieces of mail, no older than 60 days, are required for residency.

One photo ID is also required. 


Call the front desk to arrange curbside library card arrangements.



Lost Library Cards

We recommend calling the library to report lost cards so that no one can use the lost card. Card holders are responsible for all fees or fines that are on lost cards.

Replacement cards are $5.00

Two pieces of mail, no older than 60 days, are required for residency.

One photo ID is also required. 


Call the front desk to arrange curbside library card arrangements.​



Residents of tax paying properties in the limits of the City of Streator can apply for a library card.  Following the registration and verification process a card that is valid for three years is issued.  After three years all cards must be re-verified for renewal. ​ Non-residents are able to apply for a fee based card. The $55.00 is applied toward all cards in the household. Non-residents are also required to go through the application and verification process. ​ Please see the procedure's details below.


  © 2024 Streator Public Library                          130 S. Park Street, Streator, IL 61364                   815.672.2729          Fax 815.672.6734          

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